Upgrade: iOBE v5.0
Thursday, April 20, 2017
The iOBE software has undergone another major upgrades from v4.0 to v5.0. These upgrades were done primarily to meet the needs of the iCGPA Initiative in the Malaysia Education Blueprint (2015-2025) for Higher Education.
The full version of the software, its compiler and related documentations can be downloaded for free below:
- iOBE v5.0 (updated 20/4/2017). This zip file contains the software and sample input files to guide users to build their own input files.
- iOBE Software Manual v5.0 (updated 20/4/2017)
- The Matlab Compiler Runtime must be installed prior to running the software.
- Other documentations related to the software.
- iCGPA Spiderweb plots for individual students, produced automatically.
- Improved mapping approach for more flexibility.
- Improved presentation of the outcomes data.
- Improved "Course Data" input file. As such, iOBE v5.0 cannot run the previous version of this input file (i.e., v4.0 and below).
Users only need to interact with the software through its simple GUI panel, shown below. Each operation, either for a single course or to aggregate data from multiple courses, only requires a one button-click as shown in the panel.
Shown below are samples of iCGPA Spiderweb plots, each for a different student, aggregated from multiple courses. Other sample outputs from the software can be referred to in the previous post.