OBE Workshop @ USM Math School

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Many thanks to the School of Mathematical Sciences, University Science Malaysia (USM), for inviting me to conduct a full-day workshop on 2/8/2018. The workshop was divided into four sessions:
  1. Introduction to Outcome-Based Education (OBE)
  2. Constructive Alignment
  3. Assessment and CQI
  4. Implementation using iOBE
I have also conducted workshops on OBE, iOBE, or related topics at various places previously, as follows. Many thanks as well to the organizers of these events:
  1. OBE/iOBE Workshop, School of Housing, Building, and Planning, USM, 6/2/2018.
  2. OBE/iOBE Workshop for the Management Teams of USM's Main Campus, organized by the USM's University Quality Centre, 23/10/2017.
  3. OBE/iOBE Workshop, School of Physics, USM, 13/10/2017.
  4. Seminar on Academic Curriculum, USM Engineering Campus, 21/10/2016.
  5. Workshop on Complex Engineering Problems, USM Engineering Campus, 25/5/2016.
  6. iOBE/CQI Workshop, School of Mechanical Engineering, USM, 2/3/2016.
  7. iOBE/CQI Workshop, School of Aerospace Engineering, USM, 25/11/2015.


Upgrade: iOBE v5.2

Friday, February 9, 2018

The iOBE software has been upgraded with the following improvements:

  1. The parameter "StudentID" in the main Excel input file can be entered using numbers, texts, or a combination of both. Prior to this upgrade, this parameter must be strictly entered as integers, which limited its usage and caused problems to users when the StudentID data were not formatted properly as integers in the Excel input file.
  2. Users can use any number of Assessment Tools (AT), from one to any number of ATs, per course. Prior to this upgrade, more than one ATs were required for the computation in the software to work: the computation halted if only one AT was entered.

The full version of the software, its compiler and related documentations can be downloaded for free below.
  1. iOBE v5.2 (updated 9/2/2018). This zip file contains the software and sample input files to guide users to build their own input files.
  2. iOBE Software Manual v5.2 (updated 9/2/2018)
  3. The Matlab Compiler Runtime must be installed prior to running the software.
  4. Other documentations related to the software.
For further information about this software, or to arrange a seminar/workshop related to the software, please contact the developer here.


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