
Friday, June 24, 2022

The Integrated OBE Software, or iOBE, is an award-winning software that provides applications relevant to tertiary academic programs to address the requirements of implementing Outcome-Based Education in Malaysia as well as other countries. The full version of the software is released as a free software for all academic institutions and can be downloaded here.

The OBE Framework has been fully adopted by all engineering programs in Malaysia since 2009 through the Washington Accord, an international agreement that mutually recognizes the quality of engineering graduates from member countries. Compliance with this Accord requires engineering programs in Malaysia, through their accreditation exercises with the national Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC), to assess students' learning outcomes more rigorously.

Non-engineering academic programs in Malaysia are bounded by OBE as well through their accreditation with the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA). As such, engineering and non-engineering academic programs in Malaysia must develop dedicated systems to manage and automate the processes of computing and integrating assessment data on different outcomes from multiple courses. The iOBE software is designed to meet these needs.

The software is designed to be very easy to use (with single-button clicks), computationally fast (within seconds to a few minutes), flexible in managing data, and robust in its mathematical formulations. It runs as a standalone offline software, eliminating online-related issues such as slow servers and data security breach. The image below shows the one and only windows panel that the user needs to interact with when using iOBE.

Readers can browse through the following links to know more about the iOBE software:
  1. Downloadable iOBE software, with a number of major upgrades since its first release in July 2015.
  2. Software documentation, consisting of academic articles and software manuals. The documentation describes its mathematical framework, software architecture, and case studies on software implementation.
The software developer can be contacted here for further inquiries and for request to conduct workshops on OBE and the iOBE software.


iOBE Workshop @ Arts USM

Saturday, May 28, 2022

An iOBE workshop "Assessing Student Outcomes Automatically Using iOBE" has recently been conducted online at the School of The Arts USM on 18 May 2022, through the Webex Platform.

Many thanks to Associate Professor Dr Sarena, the Dean of the School, for this invitation for me to conduct the workshop. Many thanks as well to the Academic Team headed by Dr Muhammad Khizal for organizing the workshop, and to the OBE Team headed by Dr. Jasni for the detailed discussions during and after the workshop.

This session explained the rationale and techniques of computing the attainment of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) for individual students and groups of students at the course and program levels, and introduced the iOBE software as a solution to automate the computation of these outcomes.


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