Upgrade: iOBE v6.2
The iOBE software has been upgraded into iOBE v6.2. The new version of the software, its compiler, and relevant documentations can be downloaded below. The full version of the iOBE software is released as a free software to the public.
- iOBE Software Version 6.2. Update 15/5/2022: the sample input files have been updated to improve the textual label inside those files, without affecting the software's data processing.
- Matlab Runtime Compiler R2021a (9.10) for 64-bit Windows
- Documentations
- Consideration on Repeated Courses: For students who have repeated some of their courses (to pass these courses or improve their grades), the calculations of their POs and CGPAs will only take into account the improved marks/grades from these repeated courses. In other words, the lower marks/grades from the same courses taken previously will not be aggregated into their POs and CGPAs.
Completion of Upgrades:
This latest update completes all the major upgrades intended for the iOBE software to be able to perform its two primary functions:
- To calculate students' outcomes attainments at the course/program levels,
- To present those outcomes in useful tabular and graphical forms.
Data Management:
Detailed management of the outcomes data is beyond the functionalities of this free software. To do so, users can build separate systems, e.g., through a simple spreadsheet-based system, or more effectively, through a modular software-based system. Please contact the software developer for advice on how to do this.
Operating System:
The new version was developed in the 64-bit Windows OS with Matlab R2021a and therefore has to be run with the newest Matlab compiler in the same Windos OS. The software can also be run on Apple MAC computers, but only within the 64-bit Windows OS environment that needs to be installed first into the MAC computers.